Learn more about Bryan Balch:

My Primary Goal:

To become significant.  Anyone can become successful.  Once successful, it is helping others to become successful that creates significance.  I want to help as many people and businesses become successful as humanly possible, duplicating my efforts along the way so that others may do the same.


My Beliefs and Core Values:

  1. I live a blessed life.  While I've had many defeats and devastating times in my life, I learned a lot from those experiences.  Each one has helped prepare me for future obstacles.
  2. We must live with an attitude of grattude.
  3. We cannot change others.  We can only change ourselves.  As we change, everything around us changes.
  4. The best thing we can become is a better leader.  Everything rises and falls on leadership. Everything.
  5. We must be good role models.  People will do what we do, long before they will do what we say.
  6. As leaders our primary role is to serve others.
  7. If we focus on helping others get what they want, we will receive all that we want and more.
  8. We must operate from a position of abundance not scarcity.
  9. We must earn all that we can.  Money is not evil.  The more wealth we can create, the more we can help others.
  10. We must have faith and believe in others, even before they believe in themselves.
  11. If we look at others as they are, they will remain as they are.  If we look at others as what they can become, they can achieve more than they imagined.
  12. We must work on ourselves daily. The more we grow, the more we can lift others.
  13. We must have faith and courage.  As leaders, we will have fears and be afraid.  We must have the courage to act anyway and the faith that God will take care of the things we cannot.
  14. Growth is in our uncomfortable zone.  We must become comfortable being uncomfortable for long term success.

For answers to your questions or to schedule an appointment, please call:


(925) 699-8151


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